October 24, 2018
- new pages: Slider + broken grid homepage (index5.html) - improved: completely reworked Parallax homepage (index4.html) - improved: added basePath variable to all paths in theme.js (js/theme.js) - improved: updated documentation - fixed: added Polyfill fallback for object-fit for older browsers (IE mostly; changed: package.json, CSS files, _utils.scss, don't forget to include new script in your HTML)
September 6, 2018
- new pages: new shopping cart variant (cart-2.html; this cart behaves differently on smaller devices) - new components: two new header layouts. (component-variants/header.html) - improved: Sticky navbar scrollbar hidden while collapse animation is in progress - improved: Cart overview dropdown's height limited, scrollbar appears when 3+ different items are in cart. Also added buttons to remove item from cart into the dropdown. - improved: Added SVG logo support for navbar brand element. This logo can inherit navbar items styling - e.g. logo can have white text on transparent background and dark text when user hovers above the navbar - improved: moved docs to a separate directory - changed: add.navbar-airy
to your.navbar
to add more spacing to.nav-link
on lg+ devices (this was applied automatically before but collided with the new header variants) - fixed: SVG injected icon sprite now works when viewing pages using file:// protocol - fixed: added missing !default flag to some variables inscss/custom/_variables.scss
- fixed: product display issues in IE11 - updated packages: PopperJS (1.14.4)
July 24, 2018
- new pages: Parallax Homepage (index4.html), F.A.Q.s (faq.html) - updated packages: Bootstrap (4.1.3), PrismJs (1.15.0), Smooth Scroll (14.2.1) - fixed: View button in the category-full.html (affected files: _products.scss, stylesheet.default.css, category-full.html) - fixed: moved browserslist config from package.json to a .browserslistrc file and unified this file with its Bootstrap counterpart - improved: Default gulp task reorganized to run in sequence
July 1, 2018
- new pages: category-masonry.html, category-no-sidebar.html, coming-soon.html - added: Ekko Lightbox in detail2.html - added: .display-1, .display-2, ... headings font sizes automatically decrease on smaller viewports - fixed: carousel height recalculation when changing screen sizes (theme.js), adjusted navbar collapse and dropdowns behaviour on transparent navbars (theme.js), decreased collapsed navbar vertical padding
June 25, 2018
- Initial release